Microbial Inoculant Production Technology

VAAG-011: Microbial Inoculant Production Technology (3+0)
To study the basic principles and application methodologies of different
microbial inoculants in order to improve the soil fertility and productivity.
Unit – I: Concepts of microbial inoculants
Biofertilizers – Definition - types, importance of biofertilizers in agriculture –
Rhizobium - characters and classification – Rhizobium - legume symbiosis -
nodule formation - Factors affecting nodulation and nitrogen fixation.
Unit-II: Nitrogen fixing biofertilizer
Characteristics and classification of Azospirillum, Azotobacter,
Gluconacetobacter.- Actinorhizal plants (Frankia) and Algal biofertilizers -
Blue green algae – Azolla.
Unit –III: Phosphate solubilizing/mobilizing biofertilizer
Problems of phosphorus uptake - fixation of phosphorus - microbial
transformation of phosphorus- Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms, K,
Zn and silicate solubilizing microorganisms – factors affecting phosphate
solublization– AM fungi – characteristics and types of mycorrhizae - Plant
Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) – Pesudomonas.
Unit –IV: Formulations of biofertilizer
Different formulations of biofertilizers – Types and characters - carrier –
beads – pellets and liquid formulation – preservatives and additives-shelf life
of different formulations- quality control of different formulations - BIS.
Unit-V: Production technology
Mass Production technology of bacterial biofertilizers, Azolla , Algal
biofertilizers and AM fungi – problem and constrains in production- method
of application – Marketing and monitoring field performance-Economics of
microbial inoculants.
Theory Schedule
1. Microbial inoculants in Agriculture.
2. Biofertilizers-definition-Development of the concept3.
Contribution and importance of microorganisms to soil fertility.
4. Different groups of biofertilizers-bacterial,
5. Different groups of algal
6. Different groups of fungal biofertilizers etc.
7. Nitrogen fixing microorganisms-Phosphate solubilising microorganisms
8. Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria-Rhizobium classification-Cross
inoculation groups- characteristics.

9. Infection-root nodule formation-leghaemoglobin-nitrogen fixation.
10. Assay of nitrogen fixation-Nitrogen assimilation.
11. Transfer of fixed nitrogen in symbiotic systems.
12. Associative symbiosis-Azospirillum-species distributionCharacterization.
13. Importance of Glucoacetobacter and its distribution.
14. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation-Azotobacter- Characterization.
15. Actinorhizal association-Frankia-Importance-location, biochemistry and
physiology of actinorhizal nodules.
16. Phosphate solublization by microorganisms-bacteria and fungi involved
general characters and importance.
17. Algal biofertilizers - Blue green algae-distribution-occurrence.
18. Morphological variation-Characteristics.
19. Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis-Importance- Azolla growth behaviormultiplication-
sporulation etc.
20. Mid Semester Examination
21. Mycorhhiza- types -Ectomycorrhiza –
22. Mycorhhiza- types -Endomycorrhiza.
23. Role of mycorrhiza in crop production.
24. Microbial inoculants for solublization of potassium sulphur and trace
25. Carrier materials-Types and quality characteristics of an ideal carrier,
preparation of inoculant packets.
26. Different formulations of inoculants- carrier, gel, liquid formulations etc.
27. Principles of mass production-Large scale production of bacterial
biofertilizers-growth characteristics.
28. Fermentation-Principles and techniques-inoculum preparation.
29. Shelf life-quality control of biofertilizers-BIS specifications.
30. Field performance of biofertilizers.
31. Method of application –Economics.
32. Algal multiplication-large scale production-application methods
33. Azolla-Mass multiplication and method of application etc.
34. Mycorrhizae-VAM-Mass scale production-field performance-problems
and prospects of biofertilizers.
References Books
1. S. Gianinazzi, Hannes Schüepp, J.M. Barea, K. Haselwandter.2012.
Mycorrhizal Technology in Agriculture: From Genes to Bioproducts.
Birkhäuser publisher

2. Umesh Chandra Mishra.2015. Facts for Liquid Biofertiliser. Partridge
Publishing, Singapore. S.G.Borkar.2015. Microbes as Bio-
fertilizers and their Production Technology .Wood head publisher. New
3. P.Hyma. 2017. Biofertilizers: Commercial production Technology and
quality control. Random publishers. New Delhi.
4. Bhattacharyya..,P and Tandon HLS.2002.Dictionary of Biofertilizers and
Organic Fertilizers. Fertilizer Development and Consultation
Organization, New Delhi. 1 – 165.
5. Motsore, M. R., P. Bhattacharayya and Beena Srivastava, 2001.
Biofertilizer Technology,Marketing and usage – A source Book – cum –
glossary – FDCO, New Delhi, P. 584.
E reference
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc
2. https://www.researchgate.net
3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/
