Renewal of Admission to II & III year B.A / B.Com. during 2011- 2012

Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore - 570 006

Dear Student, 
Subject: Renewal of Admission to II & III year B.A / B.Com. during 2011- 2012 
Karnataka State Open University is glad to welcome you to get admission to the next higher class. You are being informed the details about the remittance of  Tuition Fee for Second and Final B.A/ B.Com Programmes. You have to remit the prescribed  fee. The details of payment of Tuition fee is given below:

Please note that the payment of Tuition/Programme fee should be paid through challan attached with the Application form. Payment may be made through all branches of SBM and SBI Bank subsidiaries only. Payment in any other form like Cheques / MO / IPO will not be accepted. You may note that you should not pay Tuition Fee to the private institutions  or individuals.  Study materials will be sent only after receipt of your Application & fee paid Challan . You   will not be eligible to appear for the II & III year B.A / B.Com examinations without payment of Tuition fee. Students belonging to SC/ ST category of  Karnataka State shall also pay the tuition fee fully. However, such students may seek reimbursement from the Department of  Social Welfare as per rules laid down. Students of Backward classes of  Karnataka shall also pay the Tuition fee and apply to the Dept. of  Backward classes for reimbursement as per the rules of  the Government. Fee paid to the University will not be reimbursed / readjusted under any circumstances.   Further the University does not take the responsibility for refund of amount paid through any mode other than the  prescribed norms of payment.
        1. Students seeking admission after a break of  ONE year  will have to pay a Re - Enrolment fee of Rs.1000/- along with  regular tuition fee. Those students who have discontinued their studies for more than two years are not eligible for  re enorolment
        2. Mention your Roll No. (I.D. Card No.)  Course and Study Centre in all your correspondence with this office
3. Preserve carefully the  Tuition fee paid Challan  and  produce  the same whenever asked by this office.
4. Those enrolling for, II & III   B.A / B.Com, should enclose Photo copy of Tuition fee paid Challan / D.D of Previous years without fail.
5. The study materials will be sent through Registered Post to facilitate speedier and Correct delivery to the
        6. Send the Application form (duly filled in) along with the Challan  (originial) by Registered post / Courier to The Deputy Registrar (Admissions), Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore - 570006
7. Renewal Application should  not be submitted to the Study Centres /  Regional Centres under any circumstances.
        8. If the students do not send the fee paid  Challan and Application form to the University in time and if they keep the Application form with them, such students are not eligible to register their name for any Programme in the
        9. Such of those  students desirous of collecting their Study Materials  in-person have to follow the instructions printed on the reverse side of Renewal Application for more information.

Students of First year can continue their studies in Second Year  even if s/he fails in exmaination or notappeared  for any or all the papers of  first year. Students of Second Year can also continue their studies in final year irrespective  of their previous  class  results.
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