NOTE: You are required to read the following instructions carefully before you answer. 
1.Write the Roll Number, Name and Title of the course at the beginning of your answer of each 
2.You should answer two questions only under each paper. 
3.You should write the assignment separately with regard to each paper. 
4.You should not reproduce the answer as given in the study material or from any website. 
5.Assignments without Roll No. and Name will be rejected. 
6.After writing the assignment, you should tag the assignment together, put them in a cover and sent it to the address given below. 

7.Assignment cover should be superscribed by “Assignment for MBA-IV Semester” and write your roll number.
8.Your assignment should reach to:  Chairman,
DOS in Management, 
    Karnataka State Open University, 
   Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006 
9.Assignments should reach us on or before 30th  Nov 2011. The assignments received after the last date will be summarily rejected.  No further extension is allowed. 
10. Assignment sent to any other address of the University will not be valued. 
11. The students are adviced to keep a copy of the Assignments with them and submit it in case the University demands the same.
12. The list of assignment received by department, participation in seminar and test will be  notified in the website. The students are directed to check website regularly and inform us in  case of any discrepancies (0821-2519952-EXT 268). Please note that once the results are  announced no complaints will be entertained by the department.

International Business Environment 
1. Give an overview of trends in International trade after two decades of LPG. 
2. Do you agree trading blocks are blocking globalization? -Elaborate. 
Course -20 
Operations Management  
1. The following data were obtained from a company using linear programming model; find the 
optimal production and workforce levels. Backorders are not allowed: 
Demand Data: P1=350 Units, D2=375 Units, P3=325 Units. 
Capacity Data: 
Regular time capacity:M1=250, M2=200, M3=250 
Overtime Capacity: Y1=130, Y2=120, Y3=120 
Regular Time Cost / Unit = Rs.12/- 
Overtime Cost / Unit = Rs.18/- 
Inventory Cost / Unit/ Period = Rs.7/- 
Hiring Cost / Unit = Rs.35/- 
Lay of Cost / Unit = Rs.12/- 
Units produced at the time t=O, (P0)=160 
Initial Inventory =O 
Formulate a linear programming model for the above aggregate planning problems such that the 
total cost is minimized.

Course -21 
Total Quality Management 
1. What are the conflicts and commonalities between management theories and TQM? 
2. Discuss the Japanese approach to TQM. What techniques do you suggest that can be 
implemented in India? 
       Course 22A  
        International Financial Management 
1. Foreign Direct Investments accelerates the growth – Elucidate. 
2. Briefly explain exchange rate mechanism. 
Course 23A 
Security Analysis & Portfolio Management 
1. Briefly explain Technical Analysis. 
2. What are fixed income securities? Explain its role in portfolio enhancement. 
Course 24A 
Financial Derivatives 
1. What are derivatives? Explain various types of derivatives with suitable examples. 
2. Explain various models of option pricing. 
Course 22B 
Advertising & Sales promotion 
1. What can advertisers do to combat zapping and zipping. Discuss some important 
factors that attract attention and improve ad recall. 
2. What is the purpose of measuring advertising effectiveness? Discuss the various  techniques of testing advertising copy? 
Course 23B 
Industrial Marketing 
1. Briefly explain about business to business marketing with suitable examples. 
2. Discuss briefly various factors affecting industrial marketing – Elucidate. 
Course 24B 
International Marketing 
1. Explain the similarities and difference between domestic and international marketing 
research. Explain giving suitable examples. 
2. Describe the culture influence on International Marketing activities. 
Course 22C 
Management of Industrial Relations 
1. Point out the different causes for industrial dispute. Discuss the role of collective 
bargaining in bringing industrial peace.  
2. What is “Three Tier System” of adjudication? Discuss in detail. 

Course 23C 
International Human Resources 
1. Explain training and Development in Global context. 
2. Elucidate issues and challenges of Human Resource in Global scenario. 
Course 24C 
Labour Legislation 
1. List out the statutory provisions relating health under the factories act 1948. 
2. Discuss the provisions relating to offences and penalties under minimum wages act 
1948 (Act XI of 1948).

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