B.Ed(Special)Education Degree Examination, November - 2011

Karnataka State Open University Manasa Gangotri, Mysore-06 

B.Ed(Special)Education  Degree Examination,  November - 2011

1. The B.Ed(Special) Education Degree  Examination for the students of  Karnataka State Open University is scheduled to be held in the month of   November-2011. 
 2. Examination shall be conducted at the following centres.  01. MYSORE    02. BANGALORE            
3. The Venue and dates of the Examination has been notified in the Time-Table  which is enclosed with this circular. 
4. The Candidates shall pay the following fee

Fee- Structure: Click here

5. The last dates for payment of the examination fee and submission of duly filled in examination application form by the student  to the University without penal fee and with penal fee are as follows

6. Examination will commence from 17.11.2011
7. Students are hereby informed to write in the Examination Application Form, their name as given at the time of Admission.
8. Students are allowed to write examination wholly either in English or in Kannada.
9. Examination Fee once paid shall not be refunded nor readjusted.
10. The payment of Examination fee should be paid through challan. It can be paid either in SBM/SBI branches. Send the examination fee paid challan along with the filled-in Examination Application form to the office of the Registrar(Evaluation), Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangothri, Mysore-06.
11. The application received after the last date will not be considered. 12. Only bank challan will be accepted towards Examination fee. 13. Mere payment of tuition fee, examination fee and submission of application  form for the examination do not entitle the student to take the examination if  his/her admission is not approved by the University.  14. Candidates belonging to SC/ST and other reserved categories are also  required to pay the examination fee in full as mentioned above. 15. Candidates who have not attended the Contact Programme or have not  submitted the Assignments or not taken the Tests or Practical Examination  are not eligible to take the Examination even if they have paid the  Examination Fee.  16. The application forms should be countersigned by the Study Centre             Co-Ordinator. Ist year B.Ed Special Application which is not countersigned  by the study Centre Co-Ordinator will be rejected and candidates will not be  permitted to appear for the Examination.  17. Cell/Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the examination hall, it  amounts to malpractice.18. You are informed to mention your roll number and postal address properly.
19. You are informed to mention your specialization properly(VI, HI, LD, MR).

For more details click here or visit http://ksoumysore.edu.in
