Admission to Ph.D - Dept. of Applied Electronics.

GULBARGA UNIVERSITY "Jnda Ganga". OULBARGA,585 t06, Kmataka. India

Applications are invited  from eligible candidates for admission to ph.D Degrce progGmme in t}le Post-Gmduate  Departments  of Applied Electronics, Gulbarga Unir'ersity,  Gulbarga for the academic  year 20lO-11. The admissions  to ph.D Deg;e Programme is subject to availability  of the seats and cuides at post,Graduate Departments of Studies  and research in Applied Electronics,  Gulbarga  University, Gulbarga.

DURATIOI  OF COI'RsE: For Ph.D. Degree  Proglamrrre  :- A fulI time candidate who has completed  a minimum  period  of three years  from the date of registration  and not less than six months before  the expiry of the period  prescribed,  shall submit  ten copies of the synopsis  of the thesis  throqgh the cuide and the Departmental Council to the Doctoral  Committee for pernission to submit  t}le thesis. In case of part time candidate the minimum period  shall be four years from the date of registration. A candidate registered  for Ph.D  on full time basis shall submit the thesis within 05 years  from Registratlon and those registered  on part time basis shall submit  th€sis qrithin 06 years.

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