List of Candidates for the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff IN TAMIL NADU

Recruitment to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories 2011

Allocation of Candidates for the post of Multi Tasking (NonTechnical) Staff to Different User Offices

Indenting Departments who had reported vacancies have been arranged in alphabetical order.
Candidates in merit order have been allocated to the Department figuring in alphabetical list in the following manner:
1.  First ranking candidate allocated to the department figuring fourth in the list
2.  Second candidate allocated to the department figuring fifth in the alphabetical order list, and so on till vacancies are available in different departments
3.   For reserved categories too, the same procedure has been followed
User Departments

1. Canteen Stores Department, Mumbai
2. Central Govt. Industrial Tribunal Cum-Labour Court,  Shastri Bhawan,  Chennai
4. Defence Accounts (R&D),  Bangalore
5. Labour Commissioner ( C ), Chennai
6. Postal Accounts and Finance, Chennai

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