Clerical Recruitment (Assistant and Stenographers)

State Bank Of India Central Recruitment and Promotion Department Corporate Centre, Nariman Point, Mumbai

NOTICE Clerical Recruitment (Assistant and Stenographers) Advertisement No. CRPD/CR/2011-12/05 dated 27/12/2011 and CRPD/CR/2011-12/5a dated 01/03/2012

Candidates who have registered applications and paid the fees for recruitment to clerical cadre (assistants/stenographers) have been sent sms/email confirmation. Fee paid details are incorporated in 
the downloadable application form. Candidates are requested to reprint the application form. This facility  (application  reprint after payment) is available upto 30/04/2012. Candidate who has paid fees and whose fee paid details are not available on the application form  should send email  to CRPD  at with the following details:

Subject: - “clerical cadre 2012- fee payment not updated”Details to be provided:-
1) Name of the Candidate
2) Date of birth
3) Registration Number
4) Mobile number
5) Fee paid details :
a) Date of payment
b) Amount
c) Reference number (in case of online payment)
d) Journal Number and Branch code (if paid at Branch)

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