Recruitment of Constables (GD) in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles


Subject : Recruitment  of Constables (GD)  in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in   Assam Rifles,  2012- Keys used  by the Commission in the different Test forms- reg. 

For  recruitment  to  the posts of Constables (GD)  in CAPFs and Rifleman (GD) in  Assam Rifles, 2012 an open competition examination  was held on 22-4-2012  among the  candidates who qualified in PET/PEST at different centers across the country. The  Commission used the following different Question Papers/Test forms number in the  examination.

Click here to read complete notification

The Keys for the Question Booklets in respect of different Test Forms are now placed in 
the Commission’s website : Discrepancies or Incorrect Keys should be brought -2-
to the notice of the undersigned at the earliest and latest by date 21-5-2012. The Commission will 
not entertain/consider any representation received after the stipulated date.

For more details click here or visit 
