Instructions for Candidates - Limited Departmental Competitive Examination

1. Center coordinator / Invigilator will receive a set of password from the Centre Coordinator /Lab 
In-charge/ ESIC officials on the date of examination for both the administrator and candidates.  
2. For Candidates, the URL (website address) is common for all the sessions for appearing in the 
online examination. Whereas their log-in ID and passwords are Session specific i.e. there will 
be separate log-in ID and Password for the candidates for each of the sessions/papers. 
3. For each candidate there is session wise set of login-id and password as per the post wise list 
of their names. The candidates are also required to enter their allocated Roll Nos.
4. Login-Id and passwords (Combination of Alphabets in Capital and Numbers) for candidates is 
to be informed to the candidates at the time of their reporting in the examination hall. 
5. Once candidate login by entering their Candidate-Id, Password and Roll no. provided to them, 
they should read the instructions carefully before and then they should start the examination. 
6. Examination is bilingual (English and Hindi), and the questions shall be appearing in English 
and Hindi languages on their screen. This provision is for the better understanding of the 
questions and the selection of the answers. 
7. Once the examination is over, a summary sheet will appear on candidate’s system so that they 
can take the note of the total number of questions attempted, total number of questions 
unattempted, and their total score. It is only for their reference purpose, no need to take the 
printout of the individual report of each of the candidates. 
8. Once examination is over, the Administrator at the Test centre shall be logging in to a separate 
link by using the admin login-Id and password provided to them. He /She shall be able to see 
and print the Attendance cum Score sheet for each session, and the same shall be handed 
over to the invigilator for the signing by the Candidate/Observer. 
9. This Attendance cum Assessment report is to be printed on A4 size paper and it will contain 
the following information : 
(Roll No., Name of the Candidate, Question attempted, Questions un-attempted, Score) 
10. There is a instruction already given to candidates that “They should sign on this Attendance 
cum Score sheet  before leaving the examination hall otherwise they will be treated as 
11. Each page of Attendance cum Score  sheet should be counter signed by Invigilator/Centre 
12. Please note that there is no need to take the printout of individual candidate’s summary report 
from their systems. 

For more details click here or visit 
