2 ND SEMESTER MBA-Assignment Questions : 2012
Answer any one question from each course: Max Marks:10
NOTE: You are required to read the following instructions carefully before
you answer.
1. Write the Roll Number, Name and Title of the course at the beginning of
your answer of each subject.
2. You should answer one question only under each paper.
3. You should write the assignment separately with regard to each paper.
4. You should not reproduce the answer as given in the study material or
from any website.
5. Assignments without Roll No. and Name will be rejected.
6. After writing the assignment, you should tag the assignment together, put
them in a cover and sent it to the address given below.
7. Assignment cover should be superscribed by “Assignment for MBA-II
Semester” and write your roll number.
8. Your assignment should reach to the Department within time to the:
DOS in Management,
Karnataka State Open University,
Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006
9. Assignments should reach us on or before 09-11-2012. The assignments
received after the last date will be summarily rejected. No further extension
is allowed.
10.Assignment sent to any other address of the University will not be valued.
11.The students are advised to keep a copy of the Assignments with them and
submit it in case the University demands the same.
12.The students may visit the KSOU website after completion of their
examinations to ensure that their internal assessment is reviewed by the
Department and their attendance in Test, Seminar and assignment has been
considered. In case of any discrepancy, the students may intimate to the
Department immediately within 15 days of announcement in the website.
Click here to view assignments
For more details click here or visit http://ksoumysore.edu.in
2 ND SEMESTER MBA-Assignment Questions : 2012
Answer any one question from each course: Max Marks:10
NOTE: You are required to read the following instructions carefully before
you answer.
1. Write the Roll Number, Name and Title of the course at the beginning of
your answer of each subject.
2. You should answer one question only under each paper.
3. You should write the assignment separately with regard to each paper.
4. You should not reproduce the answer as given in the study material or
from any website.
5. Assignments without Roll No. and Name will be rejected.
6. After writing the assignment, you should tag the assignment together, put
them in a cover and sent it to the address given below.
7. Assignment cover should be superscribed by “Assignment for MBA-II
Semester” and write your roll number.
8. Your assignment should reach to the Department within time to the:
DOS in Management,
Karnataka State Open University,
Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006
9. Assignments should reach us on or before 09-11-2012. The assignments
received after the last date will be summarily rejected. No further extension
is allowed.
10.Assignment sent to any other address of the University will not be valued.
11.The students are advised to keep a copy of the Assignments with them and
submit it in case the University demands the same.
12.The students may visit the KSOU website after completion of their
examinations to ensure that their internal assessment is reviewed by the
Department and their attendance in Test, Seminar and assignment has been
considered. In case of any discrepancy, the students may intimate to the
Department immediately within 15 days of announcement in the website.
Click here to view assignments
For more details click here or visit http://ksoumysore.edu.in
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