Manasagangotri, My$re-570 006. Karnataka, INOIA

Sub  : Response to Show  Cace  Notice  and Memorildu
Ref.1:  Show  Cauee  Notice,  F.NO. DEC/KSOU/KAR/1115880  dated 10.62011

This is in respoN  to your above  refffied Mmormdum  and above refened  Earlier Show  Caw  Notice. The Academic  Council  of the University, has in its meeting  held on 11fr August 2011, resolved  to shongly  condem  your  above  referred  actiom(a copy  of the proceedings  oI the meeting of the  Academic  Council  dL  77t)8-2077  is enclosed herewith for ready  leference).  We  have  on perusal  md tlreadbae  discussion  of your  above  refmed Show  Cause md Memormdum,  alongwith  other doaments which include mong othss,  the KSOU  Act,  The  IGNOU Ac! The  UGC  Act,  The AICTE  Act, vdious Gzette  Notificatioro,  the  Education  Policies of the Goverment duly  adopted  by  the Partiment,  Article  1a & Arricle 19(1Xg) of the Coretitution  of India, Vaious Guidelines  issued  by DEC and UGC pertaining to Distmce Education,  Memormdum  of Understandings  of IGNOU with  vaious collaborators, approvals of Ministuy  of HRD  grmted to various  autonomous institutiore like lretitution  of Engineers,  Kolkata,  Imtitution  of Electonics  md Telsommication Engineers,  New Delhi  lrutitution oi Mechmical Engineers,  Mumbai, vaious replies mder The Right to Inlomation Act,  2005  issued by vilious  Statutory  Bodies pstaining  to Distmce Education  and other relevant  d@uments  urived  at tlle conclusion  to repond to your above  refered Show Caw and  Memormdum  as
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