“The aim of the Global Nursing Conference is to advance the role of Nursing in Global Health, Nursing Practice, Education, Administration and Research through innovative approaches for promoting quality care.
Theme: A step towards Global Health 1 st and 2 nd December, 2012 We look forward to your presence in our two day conference on Global Nursing. Main discussion will revolve around issues, trends & challenges in Nursing Practice, Education, Administration & Research
We invite your abstracts for oral/poster presentation before 1 st November, 2012. Akal College of Nursing, Eternal University Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh Email:
There is a global trend of shifting the focus of health care services from traditional
hospital setting to community and home care. Nursing is increasingly concerned with
innovative approaches to advance the provision and quality of care in dealing with complex
health problems and health care issues.
To advance the role of Nursing in Global Health, Nursing Practice, Education,
Administration and Research through innovative approaches for promoting quality
To focus on the ways nurses are applying innovative approaches to complex health
problems and health care issues.
To understand current and future issues in global nursing, bringing a patient centered
focus and to promote evidence based practice around the globe.
Global Nursing- A step ahead towards global health
Sub Theme:
1. Culturally competent care
2. Futuristic Nursing
3. Evidence based nursing
4. Inter-disciplinary approach towards global health care
5. Home care nursing
6. The education explosion
7. Innovation and reforms in nursing
8. Challenges in nursing practice
Abstract submission
Abstracts for free paper presentation (oral /Poster paper) are invited related to the theme
Abstract must not exceed 350 words and should include Title, authors’ name, their
affiliation, brief introduction, objectives of the study, methods, results and conclusion.
(font size- 12, font type- Times New Roman)
Size of poster paper should be 75cm X 55cms.
Preferred type of presentation (oral/poster) should be mentioned at the time of
submission. Duration of presentation will be 8-10 minutes.
Name of presenting author should be out lined.
Mention email address, telephone no and mobile number.
The last date for submitting the abstract is 1
November 2012.
Submit the soft copy of the abstract to Organizing Secretary.
Best paper and poster will be awarded.
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