Staff Selection Commission Conf.-1/1 (Section)
Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Exam. 2012 result was declared on 12.10.2012. It has now come to the notice of the Commission that while processing the result of the said examination, 117 candidates who had wrongly coded their particulars in their OMR answer sheets either in Paper-I/Paper-II/Paper-III and awarded zero marks were also erroneously included in the list of candidates declared qualified in Tier-II Examination. Following is the number of such candidates declared unsuccessful/fail in Tier-II Examination:
S. No. List Not Qualifying
1. List-I 19
2. List-II 9
3. List-III 71
4. List-IV 110
Click here to view list of non qualified candidates
The list is also placed on the Commission’s website
For more details click here or visit
Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Exam. 2012 result was declared on 12.10.2012. It has now come to the notice of the Commission that while processing the result of the said examination, 117 candidates who had wrongly coded their particulars in their OMR answer sheets either in Paper-I/Paper-II/Paper-III and awarded zero marks were also erroneously included in the list of candidates declared qualified in Tier-II Examination. Following is the number of such candidates declared unsuccessful/fail in Tier-II Examination:
S. No. List Not Qualifying
1. List-I 19
2. List-II 9
3. List-III 71
4. List-IV 110
Click here to view list of non qualified candidates
The list is also placed on the Commission’s website
For more details click here or visit
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