Sub: 13 th Annual Convocation of the University - 2013. 1. It is hereby notified that the 13 th Annual Convocation of the Karnataka State Open University will be held during March 2013. The exact place and time will be notified in due course. 2. Admission to the Convocation (IN PERSON) is open to : All Rank Holders, winners of Medals and Cash Prizes of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Examinations, P.hD Holders and who have scored Ist Class in Master’s Degree Examinations held between May/June 2012. 3. Admission to the Convocation (IN ABSENTIA) is open to : a. The Candidates who have passed the Post Graduate Degree Examinations Conducted by the University between May/June 2012. b. The Candidates who have passed the Under Graduate Degree Examinations held by the University during Nov/Dec 2011 and May/Jun 2012 (IN ABSENTIA). c. All Diploma Holders. 4. Candidates may obtain their Degrees either ‘IN PERSON’ or ‘IN ABSENTIA’ by applying in the prescribed form.The application form may be obtained from the nearby KSOU Regional Centres and Study Centres or from the office of the Registrar (Evaluation), Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006 directlyduringoffice hours. Application Form can also be downloaded from the KSOU website: www.ksoumysore.edu.in 5. Certificates to the candidates who apply for taking Degrees ‘IN ABSENTIA’ will be sent directly by Registered Post after Three Months from the Date of Convocation. 6. Fee for obtaining Degree Certificate is noted below: -
IN PERSON : For Ist Class Post-Graduates Students, Medallists/Cash Prize Winners,
Rank Holders. : Rs. 650-00
IN ABSENTIA : All UG & PG Degree Holders : Rs. 750-00
IN PERSON : M.Phil / Ph.D : Rs. 1000-00
IN ABSENTIA : M.Phil / Ph.D : Rs. 1200-00
IN ABSENTIA : All Diploma Holders : Rs. 500-00
7. Those students who have not got the NCL removed, Class Declared and correction of name and any other descrepensies in their Final year marks card, are directed to submit all their orginal marks cards to the Registrar (Evaluation) before 10-02-2013. Otherwise, they are not elegiable to obtain degree certificate 8. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FURNISH THE COMPLETE INFORMATION IN THE FORM, AND THEN AFFIX PASSPORT SIZE COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH, TWO PHOTOS MAY BE PLACED IN A SEPARATE ENVELOPE AND ENCLOSED WITH THE APPLICATION. FILLED-IN APPLICATIONS SHOULD REACH THE REGISTRAR (EVALUATION), KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY, MANASAGANGOTRI, MYSORE – 570 006, BEFORE THE LAST DATES MENTIONED BELOW.
WITHOUT FINE 30-01-2013
WITH FINE OF Rs. 100/- 15-02-2013
For more details click here or visit http://ksoumysore.edu.in
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