STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION P&P-II SECTION CORRIGENDUM F.No.3/4/2013-P&P-II : Candidates may refer to the Notice of the Junior Hindi Translators  (in Subordinate Office ), Hindi Pradhyapak (Central Hindi Training Institute) and Senior Translator  and Junior Translator( in Ministry of Defence) Examination 2013 published in the Employment News  dated 23-03-2013. The following amendment is made :- (A) “Note under para 5(B) of the above Notice stands deleted”. (B) There was a printing error in the EQ for the post of Senior Translators and Junior Translator  in Ministry of Defence in Para 5(C) of the Notice which may now be read as below:-

For Senior/Junior Translator ( in Ministry of Defence)
(i) Master’s degree of a recognised  University in Hindi with English as a  compulsory or elective subject or as a medium  of examination at the degree level; or Master’s degree or a recognized University in  English with Hindi as compulsory or elective  subject or as a medium of examination at degree  level; or Master’s degree of a recognized University in  any subject other than Hindi or English with  Hindi or English medium and English or Hindi  as a compulsory or elective subject or as a  medium of examination at degree level; or Master’s degree of a recognized University in  any subject other than Hindi or English with  Hindi or English as a compulsory or elective  subject or either of the two medium of  examination and the other as compulsory or  elective subject at degree level; or (ii) Recognized Diploma or certificate  course in translation from Hindi to English and  vice versa or two year’s experience of  translation work from Hindi to English and vice  versa in Central or State Government Offices  including Government of India Undertakings”.

For Senior/Junior Translator (in Ministry of  Defence): (i) Master’s degree of recognized  University in Hindi with English as a compulsory  or elective subject or as medium of examination  at the degree level; or Master’s degree of a recognized  University in English with Hindi as a compulsory  or elective subject or as medium of examination  at the degree level; or Master’s degree of a recognized  university in any subject other than Hindi or  English with Hindi or English medium and English  or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as  medium of examination at degree level; or Master’s degree of a recognized  university in any subject other than Hindi or  English with Hindi and English as compulsory or  elective subjects or either of the two medium of  examination and the other as a compulsory or  elective subject at the degree level  AND (ii) Recognized Diploma or certificate course in  translation from Hindi to English and vice versa  or two year experience of translation work from  Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or  State Government Offices, including  Government of India Undertakings.

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