MSc IT Ist Semester Assignment questions


MSC IT I Semester 
MSIT – 101 Essential Mathematics 
 Max.Marks– 10 
Q 1. Construct truth table for the bi conditional statement (pq) ↔ (pq). 
Q 2. Define two normal forms. How do they help in finding if a statement is true or false? 
Q 3. State De Morgan’s law and distributive properties. 

MSIT – 102 Programming Concepts AND C 
 Max.Marks– 10 
 Q1. With an example explain the structure of C program? 
 Q2. Explain the different compile options to execute C program? 
 Q3. Explain the terms variable, keyword, constant and symbolic constant which are 
 supported in C programming? 

MSIT – 103 Operating system 
 Max.Marks – 10 
 Q 1. Explain various function of operating system? 
 Q 2. What are the five major activities of an operating system with regard to file 
 Q 3. Explain segmentation with paging. 

MSIT – 104 Data Structure & Algorithms 
 Max.Marks. – 10 
Q1. What is an algorithm? Explain its characteristics? 
Q2. What is meant by space complexity and time complexity of an algorithm? Explain. 
Q3. Explain various loop structures to be considered for analyzing algorithms. 

MSIT – 105 Programming Concepts and C Practicals 
 Max.Marks. – 10 
Q 1. Program to demonstrate insert first and delete first for singly circular linked list. 
Q 2. Program to demonstrate insertion and deletion first for doubly linear linked list. 

MSIT – 106 Operating System Practicals 
 Max.Marks. – 10 
Q 1. A program to simulate the FCFS CPU scheduling algorithm. 
Q 2. A program to simulate the SJF CPU scheduling. 
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