First Semester, M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science and Technology
M.Sc.Tech. 101: Environmental Chemistry
1. What is molecular reaction? List the various types of molecular reaction. Explain
with examples.
2. What is colloidal dispersion? Mention its types and explain with examples.
3. Discuss the effects of different pollutants on human health.
4. Differentiate between Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer. Write a brief note on
application of colorimetry.
M.Sc.Tech. 102: Environmental Earth Science
1. Explain different characteristics of soil.
2. Explain the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
3. What are volcanoes? Explain the features with neat diagram.
4. What is Geochemical cycle? Explain with neat diagram.
M.Sc.Tech. 103: Environmental Microbiology
1. Briefly describe the most common water-borne bacterial diseases.
2. What are algal blooms? Explain the methods of algal bloom control.
3. Describe the different chemical methods of controlling microorganisms.
4. What is catabolism? Explain different catabolic processes.
M.Sc.Tech. 102: Ecology and Environment
1. Explain the functional attributes of ecosystem with examples.
2. What are estuaries? Briefly explain the features of estuaries.
3. Write short note on (a) Stratification (b) Community interactions.
4. What are renewable and non-renewable energy resources? Give examples.
First Semester, M.Sc. Tech. in Environmental Science and Technology
M.Sc.Tech. 101: Environmental Chemistry
1. What is molecular reaction? List the various types of molecular reaction. Explain
with examples.
2. What is colloidal dispersion? Mention its types and explain with examples.
3. Discuss the effects of different pollutants on human health.
4. Differentiate between Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer. Write a brief note on
application of colorimetry.
M.Sc.Tech. 102: Environmental Earth Science
1. Explain different characteristics of soil.
2. Explain the role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
3. What are volcanoes? Explain the features with neat diagram.
4. What is Geochemical cycle? Explain with neat diagram.
M.Sc.Tech. 103: Environmental Microbiology
1. Briefly describe the most common water-borne bacterial diseases.
2. What are algal blooms? Explain the methods of algal bloom control.
3. Describe the different chemical methods of controlling microorganisms.
4. What is catabolism? Explain different catabolic processes.
M.Sc.Tech. 102: Ecology and Environment
1. Explain the functional attributes of ecosystem with examples.
2. What are estuaries? Briefly explain the features of estuaries.
3. Write short note on (a) Stratification (b) Community interactions.
4. What are renewable and non-renewable energy resources? Give examples.
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