DATE:22.06.2014 ON SUNDAY
Time: Morning 09.30 AM to 12.00 PM
Paper I : Subjects: Lang I, Lang II, Child Development &
Pedagogy, Mathematics and EVS
9.00 AM
Candidates can enter the examination hall
Long bell
9.15 AM
Distribute Question papers to the candidates, tell them to read the instructions given in the face sheet of the question paper and answer as per instructions. Room Invigilators should not give any other instructions other than that given on the face sheet of the question paper.
Single bell
9.30 A.M. Candidates can begin answering Single bell
10.00 AM
Maximum time given to the candidates to enter the examination hall (after this, candidates are not allowed to enter the examination hall). Invigilators should give back the remaining question
paper and OMR of the absentees to the chief superintendent of examination.
Single bell
10.00 AM
Time to complete Format- 1 by invigilators.
Single bell
11.55 AM
Reminder bell before 5 min to the final bell.
Single bell
12.00 PM
Instruction bell for the completion of examination time.
Long bell
Click here to view TET Time table KARNATAKA
For more details click here or visit http://www.caconline.in
DATE:22.06.2014 ON SUNDAY
Time: Morning 09.30 AM to 12.00 PM
Paper I : Subjects: Lang I, Lang II, Child Development &
Pedagogy, Mathematics and EVS
9.00 AM
Candidates can enter the examination hall
Long bell
9.15 AM
Distribute Question papers to the candidates, tell them to read the instructions given in the face sheet of the question paper and answer as per instructions. Room Invigilators should not give any other instructions other than that given on the face sheet of the question paper.
Single bell
9.30 A.M. Candidates can begin answering Single bell
10.00 AM
Maximum time given to the candidates to enter the examination hall (after this, candidates are not allowed to enter the examination hall). Invigilators should give back the remaining question
paper and OMR of the absentees to the chief superintendent of examination.
Single bell
10.00 AM
Time to complete Format- 1 by invigilators.
Single bell
11.55 AM
Reminder bell before 5 min to the final bell.
Single bell
12.00 PM
Instruction bell for the completion of examination time.
Long bell
Click here to view TET Time table KARNATAKA
For more details click here or visit http://www.caconline.in
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