Payment of Fees for the Semester July 2014-December 2014

CHENNAI - 600 025

Sub: UG / PG (Full Time / Part Time Self Supporting Programmes)-Payment of Fees for the Semester July 2014-December 2014 for Main Campus Students (CEG,ACT and SAP)-Instructions-Issued.

The students undergoing various Self-Supporting UG I PG (F.T I P.T) Programmes for the semester July 2014 - December 2014 in the Main Campus (CEG, ACT and SAP) is requested to obtain a CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT for the fee amount as mentioned in the Annexure pertaining to their programme. The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of "THE DIRECTOR, CPDE, ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI - 25" payable at Chennai issued by any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank and will be collected at the SIVALINGAM HALL, CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION, ANNA UNIVERSITY MAIN CAMPUS on the following dates from 9.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m and 1.30 p.m to 5.30 p.m.

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