Department of Posts 
0/0 the Chief Postmaster General, T Circle, Chennai 600 002 
Memo No.STAJ76-19112014 dated at Chen nai 600 002. the 17.12.2014 

The Competent authority ha ordered the promotion of the following Po. tal  Assistants (SBCO), to the cadre of LSG (SBCO) on regular basis in the pay band of  Rs.S200-20200-Grade Pay-Rs.2800/- and further ordered the Regionat allotment with  immediate effect and until further orders.
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2. The promotion of the officials will take effect from the date on which the officials actually join the post of LSG after the issue of this memo. 
3. The officials now promoted on regular basis are not entitled for any pay fixation if they have already availed the benefit. The officials wbo are entitled for fixation of pay have to exercise an option under FR 22 (I) (a) (1). This should be e. ercised within one month from the date of promotion. Option once exercised is final. 
4. If the officials are already getting higber pay band I Grade Pay by virtue of financial upgradation under TBOP / HCR / MACP, tbey may continue to get tbeir present pay band I Grade Pay without any further fixation on promotion to LSG (SBCO) cadre ordered in tbis Memo. 
5. The Regional Postmasters General wiII issue transfer & postings immediately and ensure the relief ofthe official to join in time in tbe new post. 6. The egion will specifically mention in the Transfer & Po iring orders, whether the transfer will be for a period e. ceeding 180 days or not exceeding 180 days to ensure 
economy in e. penditure on account of payment of TA / DA in case of officials retiring shortly after joining in the promotional post. 
7. The appointing authority re serves the right either to modify or cancel the promotion. if any official is found not eligible for the promotion or if found necessary for any cause at a later date. 
8. The officials should be relieved immediately and directed to report to their new places of posting. The respon ibility would be tbat of the controlling officer. 
9. In case, an. official is not willing to accept the promotion, his / her unconditional declination letter should be obtained in writing within 15 days, failing which it will be presumed that be / she has declined the promotion. The declination, if any, will be disposed by the concerned appointing authority. The official declining the promotion will lose seniority vi -a-vis their juniors promoted to LSG earlier and they will be 
considered for promotion only after one year, from the date of declination or on availability of next vacancy whichever is later, subject to all otber condition prescribed. The Regional Office should send a consolidated report to Circle Office in time about the 
declined officials. 

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