1. This is one of the objectives of DiET
(1) providing nutritious food to the pupils
(2) Organizing training programmes week after week
(3) Documentation of training programmes
(4) To Strengthen database at the district level

2. One of the problems faced by the Block resource persons
(1) teachers abstaining from training programmes
(2) financial crunch
(3) collection of information from various sources and transmissions
(4) lack of guidance

3. Steps involved in bridge course
(1) pretest, achievement post test
(2) prestest, diagnosis of the defect, achievement test
(3) prestest, diagnosis, remedial teaching and achievement test
(4) prestest and remedial teaching and achievement test

4. Money is belong collected in this manner for National Teachers Welfare Trust.
(1) From State Govt.'s grants
(2) Selling the flags with Radhakrishna's picture on terachers day
(3) From Central Govt.'s grants
(4) Public donations

5. To foster intellectual development, learning should be made of
(1) a lot of reading
(2) real life interactions and hands-on experience
(3) free individual pursuits
(4) interaction with teachers

6. Skinner propounded theory of
(1) operant conditioning
(2) classical conditioning
(3) S-R connectionism
(4) learning hierarchy

7. Wisdom teeth which erupt after 17 years are
(1) 6
(2) 4
(3) 8
(4) 2

8. When Binet test was revised at Stanford University, it was named
(1) Stanford-Binet Test
(2) Alfred Binet Test
(3) Wechsler Bellevue Test
(4) Wallach and Kogan Test

9. The psychological process of creating a desire for learning and guiding its progress in the desired direction is
(1) prompting
(2) motivating
(3) promoting
(4) teaching

10. The aritcal which was under the Directive Principle of the state was
(1) Article 16
(2) Article 29
(3) Article 30
(4) Article 45

11. "Management by Objectives"(MBO) was advocated by
(1) Kimbrough
(2) Halpin
(3) McGregor
(4) Peter Drucker

12. Preoperational period comes next to
(1) concrete operations stage
(2) formal operations stage
(3) sensory motor stage
(4) post maturity stage

13. Management refers to
(1) Policy making function
(2) Decision making function at Apex
(3) Executive function
(4) Laying down objectives function

14. The father of "the administrative process" is
(1) Frederick Taylor
(2) Henri Fayol
(3) Robert owens
(4) Halpin

15. The job of manager as indicated by letters POSDCORB was given by
(1) Luther Gullick
(2) Max Weber
(3) Talcott Parson
(4) Woodrow Wilson

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