M.Sc .LLM MBA (Law) and MTM Programme Time Table and Fees payment

Karnataka State taka State Open University Open University Mukthag Mukthag Mukthagangotri, Mys angotri, Mys angotri, Mysuru–570 006

Sub:-ALL M.Sc .LLM MBA (Law) and MTM Programme   1st and 3rd Semester Semester Examinations of Aug Examinations of Aug–2015

The ALL M.Sc .LLM. MBA (Law) and MTM Programme 1st and 3rdSemester Examinations for the students of Karnataka State Open University who were enrolled during 2012-13,(Repeaters) 2013-14 and 2014-15 are scheduled to be held from Second Week Aug -2015.The students are informed to note their examination dates carefully examination dates carefully examination dates carefully. The respective Examinations will be conducted at Mysuru centre only. Following is the last date for payment of Examination Fee and for submission of Examination Applications to the University

(a) Without Penal fee (a) Without Penal fee a) Without Penal fee 20.06.2015

(b) With Penal fee of Rs. 200/- (b) With Penal fee of Rs. 200/- 27.06.2015

The Students shall pay the fees as per the following schedules through “Challan Challan Challan” enclosed/printed in the Examination Application form and submit their Examination application through Registered Post to the Registrar Registrar Registrar(Evaluation) (Evaluation) (Evaluation) KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY, KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY, KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY, MUKTHAGANGOTRI, MYSU MUKTHAGANGOTRI, MYSURU-570006 after payment of examination fee in any of the State Bank of Mysore or State Bank of India in any Branches. Students appearing Students appearingfor the first time will have to pay for the whole for the first time will have to pay for the whole examination in full
2 M.Sc. in Biochemistry 700=00 1000=00 2000=00
3 M.Sc. in Microbiology 700=00 1000=00 2000=00
4 M.Sc. in Biotechnology 700=00 1000=00 2000=00
5 M.Sc in Psychology (Annual Scheem & Semester) 700=00 1000=00 2000=00
13 MTM 1150=00
14 LLM/MBA(Law) 500=00 800=00 1000=00

Click here to read complete notification and Time Table

For more details click here or visit http://karnatakastateopenuniversity.in
