What are the roles of Principal Account Office (for CG) Directorate of Treasury & Accounts (for SG) under NPS?

What are the roles of Principal Account Office (for CG) Directorate of Treasury & Accounts (for SG) under NPS?

The Principal Accounts Office (PrAO)/ Directorate of Treasury & Accounts (DTA) act as the oversight authority in NPS monitoring. As per the standard operating procedure for NPS, the PrAO/DTA is required to discharge several functions, most of which are in the nature of monitoring performance of the registered nodal offices under its jurisdiction. The nature of activities required to be carried out by the PrAO/DTA may be summarized as under:
1. Consolidate PAO/DTO/ Nodal Office registration form and forward it to CRA for registration.
2. Monitor the performance of PAO/DDO/DTO/ Nodal offices in discharging their responsibilities in CRA system.
3. Monitor the resolution of grievances raised against PAO/DTO/ Nodal office
4. Take necessary action to ensure compliance of PAO/DDO/DTO with the operational procedure of CRA system.

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