What is the default annuity scheme and default ASP under NPS?

What is the default annuity scheme and default ASP under NPS?

The following default annuity service provider along with the annuity scheme is available to all the subscribers under National Pensions System. 1. Default Annuity Service Provider – Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) 2. Default Annuity Scheme - Annuity for life with a provision of 100% of the annuity payable to spouse during his/her life on death of annuitant and under this option, payment of monthly annuity would cease once the annuitant and the spouse die or after death of the annuitant if the spouse pre-deceases the annuitant, without any return of purchase price. However, it may be noted that default option is being purely provided in the subscribers’ interest and to avoid any delay in claim processing and is not with a view to endorse/promote any particular ASP or annuity variant being offered by the ASP. If the amount available in NPS account of subscriber is not adequate to buy the default annuity variant and from the default ASP, the subscriber has to compulsorily choose an ASP who offers an annuity at the available corpus in the account of the subscriber.
