Modern Pedagogical Techniques

Value Added Elective Course
VAED - 011 - Modern Pedagogical Techniques
Objectives: The student
 acquires the knowledge of the concept of Teaching, characteristics of Teaching and
Variables in Teaching.
 understands the Need and Importance of Programmed Learning, Computer Assisted
Learning and Internet and its applications.
 understands the Blended Learning and Resources for Blended Learning.
 understands the Various Methods of Teaching.
 applies the knowledge of E-Learning in classroom situations.
 develops interest in knowing the Application of Android App in Education.
Unit - 1

Concept of Teaching
Meaning and definition of Teaching - Nature and characteristics of Teaching - Variables in
Teaching - Relationship between Teaching and Learning.
Unit - 2
Individualized Instruction
Need and Importance - Characteristics - Principles - Programmed Learning - Computer
Assisted Learning (CAL) - advantages and disadvantages. Internet and its applications - Meaning
- Working of internet - Teleconferencing - Satellite - EDUSAT. Blended Learning - Tools and
Resources for Blended Learning - Blended Learning Implementation.
Unit - 3
Group Instruction
Dynamic method - Group discussion, Tutorial, Seminar, Symposium and Brain -
Storming - Problem Solving - Project method - Laboratory - Supervised study - Source method -
Dalton Plan - Panel discussion - Workshop - Team Teaching.
Unit - 4
Electronic Learning - Meaning - Nature - Features of E-Learning - Application of EContent
Package In Education - Advantages of E-Content - Designing and Development of Econtent
- Standards of E-content - Re-usability of E-content - E-content Tools - Graphics, Audio
and Video-Creating and Editing - Visual Understanding Environment (VUE).
Unit - 5
Android Application
Meaning - Nature - Features of Android App - Application of Android App in Education -
Advantages of Android App - Designing and Development of Android App - Standards of Android
App - Android App Tools for Teaching - Android App in Evaluation.
1. Ian Reece and Stephen Walker, Teaching, Training and Learning - Business Education
Publishers, 1997.

2. Dave R.H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives - Educational Innovators Press,
3. Brown, A.H., & Green T.D., (2015). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting
fundamental principles with process and practice. Routledge.
4. Armstrong, Jenny R. (1973). A sourcebook for the evaluation of instructional materials and
media. Special Education Instructional Materials Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI. ED 107 050.
5. Buchholz Andrea & Zerfass Ansgar. 2005. E-Content in Europe: Dimensions of an Emerging
Field. MFG Baden-Wiirttemberg, Germany.
