Value Added Elective Course
VAED - 011 - Modern Pedagogical Techniques
Objectives: The student
acquires the knowledge of the concept of Teaching, characteristics of Teaching and
Variables in Teaching.
understands the Need and Importance of Programmed Learning, Computer Assisted
Learning and Internet and its applications.
understands the Blended Learning and Resources for Blended Learning.
understands the Various Methods of Teaching.
applies the knowledge of E-Learning in classroom situations.
develops interest in knowing the Application of Android App in Education.
Unit - 1
Concept of Teaching
Meaning and definition of Teaching - Nature and characteristics of Teaching - Variables in
Teaching - Relationship between Teaching and Learning.
Unit - 2
Individualized Instruction
Need and Importance - Characteristics - Principles - Programmed Learning - Computer
Assisted Learning (CAL) - advantages and disadvantages. Internet and its applications - Meaning
- Working of internet - Teleconferencing - Satellite - EDUSAT. Blended Learning - Tools and
Resources for Blended Learning - Blended Learning Implementation.
Unit - 3
Group Instruction
Dynamic method - Group discussion, Tutorial, Seminar, Symposium and Brain -
Storming - Problem Solving - Project method - Laboratory - Supervised study - Source method -
Dalton Plan - Panel discussion - Workshop - Team Teaching.
Unit - 4
Electronic Learning - Meaning - Nature - Features of E-Learning - Application of EContent
Package In Education - Advantages of E-Content - Designing and Development of Econtent
- Standards of E-content - Re-usability of E-content - E-content Tools - Graphics, Audio
and Video-Creating and Editing - Visual Understanding Environment (VUE).
Unit - 5
Android Application
Meaning - Nature - Features of Android App - Application of Android App in Education -
Advantages of Android App - Designing and Development of Android App - Standards of Android
App - Android App Tools for Teaching - Android App in Evaluation.
1. Ian Reece and Stephen Walker, Teaching, Training and Learning - Business Education
Publishers, 1997.
2. Dave R.H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives - Educational Innovators Press,
3. Brown, A.H., & Green T.D., (2015). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting
fundamental principles with process and practice. Routledge.
4. Armstrong, Jenny R. (1973). A sourcebook for the evaluation of instructional materials and
media. Special Education Instructional Materials Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI. ED 107 050.
5. Buchholz Andrea & Zerfass Ansgar. 2005. E-Content in Europe: Dimensions of an Emerging
Field. MFG Baden-Wiirttemberg, Germany.
6. https://developer.android.com/reference/packages
Value Added Elective Course
VAED - 011 - Modern Pedagogical Techniques
Objectives: The student
acquires the knowledge of the concept of Teaching, characteristics of Teaching and
Variables in Teaching.
understands the Need and Importance of Programmed Learning, Computer Assisted
Learning and Internet and its applications.
understands the Blended Learning and Resources for Blended Learning.
understands the Various Methods of Teaching.
applies the knowledge of E-Learning in classroom situations.
develops interest in knowing the Application of Android App in Education.
Unit - 1
Concept of Teaching
Meaning and definition of Teaching - Nature and characteristics of Teaching - Variables in
Teaching - Relationship between Teaching and Learning.
Unit - 2
Individualized Instruction
Need and Importance - Characteristics - Principles - Programmed Learning - Computer
Assisted Learning (CAL) - advantages and disadvantages. Internet and its applications - Meaning
- Working of internet - Teleconferencing - Satellite - EDUSAT. Blended Learning - Tools and
Resources for Blended Learning - Blended Learning Implementation.
Unit - 3
Group Instruction
Dynamic method - Group discussion, Tutorial, Seminar, Symposium and Brain -
Storming - Problem Solving - Project method - Laboratory - Supervised study - Source method -
Dalton Plan - Panel discussion - Workshop - Team Teaching.
Unit - 4
Electronic Learning - Meaning - Nature - Features of E-Learning - Application of EContent
Package In Education - Advantages of E-Content - Designing and Development of Econtent
- Standards of E-content - Re-usability of E-content - E-content Tools - Graphics, Audio
and Video-Creating and Editing - Visual Understanding Environment (VUE).
Unit - 5
Android Application
Meaning - Nature - Features of Android App - Application of Android App in Education -
Advantages of Android App - Designing and Development of Android App - Standards of Android
App - Android App Tools for Teaching - Android App in Evaluation.
1. Ian Reece and Stephen Walker, Teaching, Training and Learning - Business Education
Publishers, 1997.
2. Dave R.H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives - Educational Innovators Press,
3. Brown, A.H., & Green T.D., (2015). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting
fundamental principles with process and practice. Routledge.
4. Armstrong, Jenny R. (1973). A sourcebook for the evaluation of instructional materials and
media. Special Education Instructional Materials Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI. ED 107 050.
5. Buchholz Andrea & Zerfass Ansgar. 2005. E-Content in Europe: Dimensions of an Emerging
Field. MFG Baden-Wiirttemberg, Germany.
6. https://developer.android.com/reference/packages
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