Proper processing and packaging are highly essential for marketing the products at
the national and international levels. This paper deals with the various processing methods
besides packing and fishery by - products.
UNIT I – Preservation and Processing
Importance of preservation and processing of sea foods criteria for assessing
freshness handling of fresh materials – on board handling, chilling methods, phenomena of
rigor mortis, spoilage changes – causative factors (other than microbial).
UNIT II – Drying and irradiation

Drying and dehydration – conventional and modern methods, relative merits and
demerits. Quality changes during drying and storage – functional properties, sensory
quality, nutritional value, quality indices, storage life. Salt curing, picking and smoking –
methods, merits and demerits – quality changes during processing and storage life – quality
Irradiation – source of radiation, methods, merits and demerits, quality changes
during processing and storage - quality standards , minimal processing technologies.
UNIT III – Freezing
Freezing and cold storage – process of freezing, types, quality changes during
processing and storage. Canning – procedures, quality changes during processing and
storage – quality standards. Role of preservatives in processing.
UNIT IV – Packing
Packing – function of packaging, special needs in food packaging, packaging
materials, types -1 handling fresh fish, retail packing, whole sale packaging, Block frozen
packs, IQF, layered and shatter packs, modified atmospheric packaging, vacuum
packaging, boil and bag type, cans and containers, air freight packaging, packaging
standards for wet shipment and irradiated foods. Food contact substances – limits. Labeling
– information to be included, labeling regulation.
UNIT V – Fishery by – products
Fishery by – products of commerce – surimi, fish protein concentrate, meal and oil
production, hydrolysis of fish protein. Cannery waste processing of fish stick water. Animal
feeds, fish silage, fish liver preservation, fish gelatin, fish glue, leather from fish skin, chitin
and chitosan, pearl essence, use of shells, fertilizer from fishery by products.
Reference books
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